



# 但公共碼頭有停泊時間限制!停泊超時市府單位會開罰每30分鐘$500
  • 以上九點如無發生,我們將於派對結束下船後全額退還$3000元押金給您,也會在船舶開航前再次廣播說明。
** 配合政府打擊犯罪,本公司監視系統已和分局監視系統連線,嚴格禁止攜帶或在船上使用毒品,如有發現分局將派員登船臨檢,為維護您的活動品質及健康請您知悉。
** 注意事項
  • 女生禁止上空(貼胸貼也算)/男生禁止脫褲子等違法猥褻行為
* * 航行中禁止有影響航安,及違反刑法或公序良俗的情況發生,如有發生將立即暫停活動並靠岸。
  • 以上行為經發現將立即報警同時活動立刻停止,並靠岸,費用將不會退還.請各位知曉.以上感謝來賓的配合,並祝各位活動愉快順利。

安全宣導 中英文版

  1. 二樓跟室內禁菸禁食,室內可以喝東西,二樓是只能帶水上去!用餐及吸菸區都在後甲板的位置,就是你們剛剛登船的位置
  2. 身體不舒服頭暈想吐還是喝多想吐,室內都有設置垃圾桶可以直接拿起來吐,真的來不及也可以在船舷兩側直接往淡水河吐,提醒一下您在吐的同時有可能是依靠欄杆並且重心是往下,所以身旁的朋友照顧一下,避免突然有船隻經過有尾浪,造成船隻搖晃,有可能重心不穩就翻下去,那下去後就是七天後的事,所以一定要特別注意自身安全
  3. 廁所位置在後面出去右手邊,裡面有設置垃圾桶,所以衛生紙跟其他異物禁止丟到馬桶裡,避免馬桶堵塞,這樣後面的朋友就沒辦法使用
  4. 二樓部分麻煩面對樓梯上下,因為樓梯比較陡,所以一定要面對樓梯上下,樓上只能帶水跟無糖飲料,抽煙吃東西都是禁止的,喝醉就不要上樓以免重心不穩摔倒受傷
  5. 船的四周圍都有設置欄杆,所以在拍照的的同時請不要攀爬欄杆跨越欄杆,嚴禁做任何危險動作,如果經工作人員勸阻無效,船會立即返航
  6. 有提供塑膠杯,旁邊有奇異筆,麻煩拿到杯子後寫一下名字或做個記號,避免大家拿錯杯子,或是找不到杯子來重覆跟我拿,造成不必要浪費
  7. 救生衣位置示範 1. No
  1. Smoking and eating are prohibited indoors and on the 2nd floor; however, beverages are allowed indoor, and only water is allowed on the 2nd floor. The dining and smoking areas are on the rear deck where the entrance is.
  2.  If u feel uncomfortable, dizzy or nausea: Please use the trash bins inside of the room if you want to vomit. If you can’t make it to the room, you can spit into the river. Please make sure DO NOT sit on or cross the handrail because there may be a danger for you to fall into the river.
  3. The toilet is behind the air conditioning. Please do not flush ANY trashes and toilet papers in the toilet because there is a smashed machine inside, and these inappropriate items may break it. Also, the flush button is black in the corner and on the top of the toilet.
  4. When you get on or get off the stairs, please face to the stairs and avoid to slip off and get hurt!
  5. If you feel dizzy please stay indoor, don’t get on the second floor. There are handrails around the yacht, so please do not climb and cross the rails while taking pictures. Any dangerous actions are strictly prohibited. If any passengers keep ignoring the rules, our captain will return immediately.
  6. We provide plastic or paper cups, and please write your name on it to reduce rubbishes.
  7. Now we will show you how to use the life vest during an emergency situation. Your life vest is located under your seat. To put the vest on, slip it over your head, then tie the straps tightly around your waist. Also, there is a whistle on the life vest.